Natives of Texas -- Huisache

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Acacia smallii Isley

Huisache is a tree or shrub which respouts readily when disturbed. The branches have paired thorns at the base of each leaf. This plant can be ten to thirty feet in height. Huisache grows in the South Texas Plains and Edwards Plateau.


It flowers from February to March with numerous small yellow flowers. It is quite similar to twisted acacia but can be distinguished by the position of the glands on the leaf stem. Huisache has glands that are below the first pair of leaflets while twisted acacia has glands above the first pair of leaflets. White-tailed deer and javelina eat its fruit and quail eat the seeds. Quail doves and other birds use this plant to nest loaf and as cover and small mammals sometimes forage Huisache. The flowers provide nectar for insects. It tolerates drought conditions and is used as landscape plant in xeriscapes. Wood uses include: firewood posts tanning dying ink glue and perfume. This plant can be managed using herbicides.

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